Thursday, January 22, 2009

don't be jealous

Just a couple of weeks ago we where in Utah. We had so much fun, but after a couple of weeks shoveling snow everyday, driving 20 mph so we didn't die on the icy roads, and just plain FREEZING we were very ready for some warm weather. The day after we got home we went to the Zoo. It was hilarious to see moms bundling their kids up with coats and hats because it was in the low 70's. Needless to say, we were in shorts and sandals and loving the warm weather!!
Yes, those are flowers blooming in the background!!

And here we are in the snow in Utah. The boys loved the snow. Daniel loved eating the snow. He eats snow in Utah and sand in Florida.

Even though we are loving the warm weather(and going to the beach tomorrow:) Don't be jealous. It really is all relative...once it hits June, July, and August, it will be soooo hot we will be jealous of all of you in Utah!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Little Studs

My boys sporting some of their new Christmas presents. Thanks to wonderful Grandparents our boys had an amazing Christmas. Matt and I spent a total of $1.98 on our boys for Christmas....yes that is true one dollar and ninety eight cents. We are poor.......Nathan and Daniel have no clue. They got a new wagon, tricycles, new clothes, a tool set, a cleaning set(for my little janitor Daniel), animals, blocks, books, stickers, sunglasses, and on, and on, and on!!! We are so thankful for parents who love our little boys and can step least until "Santa" is finished with school.

Friday, January 9, 2009

We had a WONDERFUL Christmas, and the happiest New Year ever! What could be better than spending time with friends and family. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season.
more vegetables
more scriptures
more laughing
more faith
LESS worrying about everything that just doesn't matter