I Am... MANY things, but most important a wife and a mother.
I Think... it's important to treasure every moment you have with your family!
I Know....That I have always been a very blessed person!
I Want.. My family to always have Joy.
I Have... a sore body from chasing my babies around all day.
I Wish... to someday be a Marriage and Family Therapist.
I Hate...Living so far from my incredible mom !
I Miss... Country dancing with my bestest cowgirl friends!!
I Fear... Not living close to family in the future.
I Feel... very exhausted at the end of every day.
I Hear... the sweet sound of nothing!! My babies are asleep for the night:)
I Smell... not very good....I have been outside all day chasing babies around a petting zoo!!
I Search...for something sweet to eat at my parent house!! (where I am right now)
I Wonder... where I will be living when Matt is done with law school!
I Regret... when I don't keep in better touch with friends and family.
I Love... having a clean organized house where lots of laughter is heard:)
I Care.... for toddlers all day!
I Always...say my nightly prayers.
I am NOT... worried about having more children anytime soon.
I Believe... that miracles can happen.
I Dance... around my house all the time, but I really miss dancing with my friends!!
I Sing... all the time!! I make up songs for my babies all day long.
I Don't Always... say my morning prayers.....but I am working on it:)
I Write... all my thoughts down, as well as my favorite mommy moments.
I Win...NEVER!! I don't know why but I never win anything.
I Lose... when I try to play any type of sport.
I Never... Scream and yell.
I Listen... to uplifting music....mostly country!!
I Can Usually be found... IN THE KITCHEN...I feel like my whole life is spent in the kitchen making meals or cleaning meals up.....that's part of being a mother I guess!!
I Am Scared Of... mean cats, statues of overly large people and animals, and jumping spiders!!
I Read... not as often as I would like too.
I Am Happy About... being alive and having so much to look forward too.
I tag anyone who would like to do this! :)